Tuesday, July 17, 2007

I have a dream..........

I have a dream…………………… just as whoopi Goldberg puts it “we are here for a reason, to throw little torches and help people through the dark”. That’s exactly my purpose in life, to put smiles on the face of humanity. I still believe in CHARITY even though the World has gotten so egocentric.

Why the hell must i wait to be in utmost luxury before I reach out to the less privileged; will I ever get satisfied with wealth?

Why should I decide to give out those clothes I have condemned? I give out the ones I still wear!

I’ve got to strife harder to get myself to the position where I can reach as many as possible although I’m already doing the little I can (I want to live my life for others).

Inspire people don’t expire them this is just a few of the reason’s I’ve got to establish the MAPLESOUL FOUNDATION!

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