Thursday, January 26, 2012

Just as birds...

Just for a moment, imagine a bird deciding to no longer perch on trees simply because the one on which it had its nest was cut down...

...that's what we do when we stop valuing relationships simply because someone or some persons (take note of the word 'some') treated us in a way we didn't like.

Learning Points:

Don't say "that's how all men are" just because a 'few' did you wrong; there are still good guys out there.

Don't tell a customer "if you don't buy, others will" just because the customer was annoying.

Learn from your experiences in relationships that dished hot coal to you as meal, but remember..... don't burn down your house to get rid of a rat. Meaning not every relationship will work out well, but don't take it out on all other relationships.

Mr. somebody hurt you, not Mr. everybody; so why react to "everybody" like he is "somebody"?

You got my drift?

#YouNeed, INeed, WeNeed - relationships just as the birds need trees for their nests.

**From My Collection of Short Stories & Inspiring Thoughts**

Mayple (C) 2012

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